Friday, May 23, 2014

Colonial Boston... Again!

Each spring, our fourth grade classes learn about Colonial Boston and the Revolutionary War.  And each spring, the fourth grade students are divvied up into Colonial families and each student is assigned a Colonial "persona".  Working together with their families, students are creating elements (drawings, paintings and sculptures) that will come together to form an installation representing Colonial Boston.

Paper Playgrounds

Our second graders have become playground engineers.  Using only paper, scissors and glue, the students are manufacturing the playground of their dreams (and imaginations!)  Before the start of the project, the class had a paper play day, in which they were able to experiment with paper and try out various paper techniques.  Students tried tearing, cutting, curling, rolling, feathering, folding paper, as well as making chains, fringe, spirals and springs.  Each students is attempting to incorporate at least half of the techniques we discussed and they are creating some new ones too!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Rock Hunt

The kindergarten classes had lovely weather this week as we went on a nature walk around the school.  During our travels, the kindergarteners had the important task of finding a suitable rock for our next project.  We've also started talking about pattern, and we've even tested out some patterns using letters, numbers, lines, shapes and colors. 

Pattern- something that repeats

Putting Paint to our Self Portraits

There are some traditions that are passed down each year, and this one has existed long before I started working at Pleasant Valley.  The fifth grade students' elementary art experience culminates with a self portrait done with acrylic paints.  After revisiting the proportions of a human face, students render their own face on a canvas board using a mirror.  We go over our pencil lines with Ultra Thin Sharpie

Monday, May 19, 2014

Meet Me at the Museum

Please join me on Saturday, June 14th at the New Britain Museum of American Art at 10 a.m. to view the latest exhibitions.  The artist Soo Sunny Park has an installation in the large space by the main staircase.  The fifth grade classes have recently watched a short video on this artist and her approach to her artwork.  The following link will lead you to the video...

The New/Now show is currently up and featuring the work of Joe Fig.  Fig makes miniature reproductions, as well as paintings, of fellow artists' studios.  It's an opportunity to view the "behind-the-scenes" space and tools utilized by artists before completed work is exhibited for public viewing.
Here is a link to the New Britain Museum's exhibit details...

***The New Britain Museum of American Art has free admission on Saturday mornings from 10-12 noon.  If you wish to go at another time, Groupon is currently offering discounted passes.

Pleasant Valley's New Additions

Saturday, May 10, 2014

We Are On For Today!

I've checked the Weather Channel and WTNH, and I *think and hope* we may be done with the rain!
It's wet out there, but the added moisture may make it easier to put together our fairy houses and gnome homes.  

Wear your rainboots and wings and we'll see you at 10!!!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Make a Wish

Make a wish on one of these dandelions and it's certain to come true.  The second graders created vibrant skies in the negative space of their dandelion puff drawings.

As the Sun Sets on First Grade

As we wind down the school year, the first graders have just finished up a jam-packed lesson.  We've studied, discussed and manipulated numerous elements and techniques of art in our abstract landscape project.  Landscape, horizon line, line, shape, warm colors, cool colors, oil pastels and sprinkling salt on watercolor paint just to name a bunch!

Kindergartners' Completed Cool Cages

The Hallways are Alive with Color

The walls of our school can rival any museum or gallery in terms of beautifully crafted works of art created with care, consideration and a great deal of effort.  Here are a few examples of the second graders' completed tissue paper bugs!

36th Annual District Art Show

Holy moly!  I must apologize profusely!!!  In all the hubbub of picking, planning and preparing art work for this year's art show at the town library, I completely forgot to post any messages or pictures here on the art room blog.  Fifty works of art by Pleasant Valley artists were selected and are currently on display.  These artworks are in good company, and are hanging alongside artwork created at the other four elementary schools, middle school and high school.  This incredible show is a testament to our students' bubbling creativity captured in our art rooms and now on view for another two weeks.

A Bird Bath with the Primary Colors

We are creating more birdies with kindergarteners in the art room!  This time our winged friends take flight in the form of a bird crown.  The kindergarteners recently learned the Primary Color Song (a simple, little ditty sung to the tune of Three Blind Mice).  And, we are now experimenting with the Primary Colors, discovering the other colors that can be made by mixing them.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Fairies and Gnomes Abound at Pleasant Valley

To prepare for Saturday's fairy house and gnome home building event, kindergarten through grade 3 students are making their very own wings, wands, hats and beards!

Please check back here on Saturday morning!  In the event that our outdoor activity gets washed out, I'll post an updated message here.
Keep for fingers crossed for sunny skies :)